Published Tue 21 May 2024

More Aussies will be supported to get active and enjoy the benefits of sport and physical activity thanks to the Australian Sports Commission’s (ASC) Play Well participation grants.

Funding has been announced for the latest round with 69 projects greenlit, with $10.3 million driving more participation in sport.

Water Polo Australia’s pleased to be a beneficiary of the Play Well participation grant, which will be allocated to extending the work through Project 10x started in 2022.

The grant will be specifically directed towards increasing the sports capability and capability to support this growth through programs, places to play and targeted coaching support programs.  

ASC CEO Kieren Perkins OAM said the program will now reach even more Australians after receiving an additional $17.3 million in the 2024-25 Federal Budget to extend the program for a further two years.

“Thanks to the Australian Government, this vital program has already helped more than 500,000 participants and can continue to make it easier for even more Australians to get active.”

“Creating great sporting environments is central to the nation’s first Sport Participation Strategy and these projects will help us in our goal to transform sport participation ahead of and beyond Brisbane 2032 so that everyone feels welcome.”

Water Polo Australia CEO Tim Welsford said: “We applaud the Australian Sports Commission through the Australian Government in providing continued support in helping sports to grow participation and grassroots sport.

“We’ve already seen the uptake in water polo through our Project 10x initiatives, and we want to continue that growth along the green and gold runway towards Brisbane 2032.

“We know that water polo in Australia is the number one aquatic team sport, and provides great health and wellbeing benefits to all participants.

“We want more Australians to make our sport, your sport,” he said.

The Strategy calls on Australians to Play Well and create safe, welcoming and fun sporting environments where people of all ages, backgrounds, genders and abilities can come together to access the benefits of sport.

More information on the Participation Grant program and a list of successful recipients is available on our website.
