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Member Recruitment

A club’s ability to recruit new players is essential to club growth and sustainability. When recruiting new members, it is important to remember – first impressions count.

Ensure the club’s website, social media platforms and printed materials are up to date and include easy to digest information. These platforms are often the first place someone will go to find information about the club. If the website is out of date and hard to use, it can leave the impression that the club is disorganised and unprofessional.

It is also a good idea to consider your phone and email etiquette. Implement a ‘rule’ on time frames to return emails and calls and always answer calls politely with your name. Finally, consider who is selling your club e.g., president, club committee, coaches, team managers and players. Are they ‘selling’ your club in a positive light? Are they presenting the image the club wants to be?

Your recruitment success will often relate to how well you market your club. However, some recruitment ideas include:

  • Host a “Come and Try Day” to give new players a feel of what the sport and club is about.
  • Host a “Bring a Friend” campaign – word of mouth is one of the best recruitment tools
  • Appoint a Welcoming Coordinator on registration or come and try events who is responsible for talking to potential participants and answering any questions they may have.
  • Host a social event to promote your club in a different environment and raise money e.g., dive in movie nights at the pool.


 TEMPLATE Player Recruitment Officer